Independent and impartial Design Review
We believe in the value of good design...
The Design Network partners deliver independent and impartial Design Review services throughout England.
Design Review is a proven method in evaluating new development and in achieving high quality design in the built environment. Design Review is undertaken by an independent, impartial and multi-disciplinary panel who provide constructive and expert advice at the pre-application stage of a scheme.
Design Review is referred to in the National Planning Policy Framework. Paragraph 133 of the NPPF states: Local planning authorities should ensure that they have access to, and make appropriate use of, tools and processes for assessing and improving the design of development. These include workshops to engage the local community, design advice and review arrangements, and assessment frameworks such as Building for a Healthy Life. These are of most benefit if used as early as possible in the evolution of schemes, and are particularly important for significant projects such as large scale housing and mixed use developments. In assessing applications, local planning authorities should have regard to the outcome from these processes, including any recommendations made by design review panels.
For more information contact your local Design Network partner